
HTML5 – Specific Input Types

HTML5 has experienced a meteoric rise in its popularity level. This particular technology comes with a volley of high precision features, which are simple as well as flexible. HTML5 is characterized by a variety of input types which enhance user interaction to a great extent. Apart from that these input types help you a lot in terms of taking care of the existing forms as well as creating a particular form afresh. These input types generally work great with major browsers. You can use the types as text fields. At the same time you can enjoy a superior control over the validation process for the forms. Let’s have a rendezvous with the latest input types.

 HTML 5 Latest input types

Input type 1: Spinner


Spinner happens to be a particular input type that comes handy to you in terms of collecting floating points as well as numbers. Almost all the browsers support this particular type. However, Spinner is known to work best on Chrome 25 on Windows platform.


Input type 2: Pop up calendar


Pop up calendar comes handy to you when you are looking for efficient ways to collect dates. If you have this particular unit type you can expect to use the text fields with more poise and élan.


Input type 3: Date time local


This particular input is an effective one. As a user you can use the input in order to know about date and time. This particular input type comes with superior control features that help you define time without facing any hiccups. However, you might not have access to a specific time zone.

Input type 4: Range


This is a particular input field that helps you gauge the exact range as well as value of a set of numbers. Apart from gauging the range you can also make it a point to set restrictions on numbers. There are different types of restrictions that you can impose. For example, you can choose to specify intervals for legal numbers, you can opt for specifying the minimum value and at the same time you can opt for specifying the maximum value and range of the legal numbers.


Input type 5: Month  


This particular input type is an effective one. With the help of this type you can define month as well as a year. At the same time, you can experience superior control over time zones.

In terms of control features as well as browser support related issues, these input types have to be laurelled. Before you are going to use these types to meet the requirements of your business or job you should make it a point to get them thoroughly as well as properly tested on test pages. If there are some issues, you can check them out as well as rectify.


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